Statement by the International Humanitarian Community in Burundi on the kidnapping of humanitarian personnel from Makamba province

Bujumbura, 30 May 2001 - The International Humanitarian Community in Burundi strongly condemns the kidnapping of six humanitarian aid workers on 11 May. The six hostages were abducted by the Forces pour la Défense de la Démocratie (FDD) in Bukeye, Makamba province. The aid workers, staff of the NGO Memisa/Coped, were operating a mobile clinic at the time of their abduction.
The International Humanitarian Community is profoundly relieved that the hostages were released on 16 May and that they have not suffered any major physical injuries.

Taking of hostages is a violation of article 3 common to the Geneva conventions and Additional Protocol II, article 4(c). The International Humanitarian Community is thus calling on all warring parties in Burundi to adhere to international human rights and humanitarian law, to cease and desist from the targeting of civilian populations and humanitarian relief workers as well as to ensure their safety and security. Humanitarian workers, often at great risk to themselves, are delivering much-needed assistance to the most vulnerable populations throughout Burundi.