Statement by the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Burundi on the attack and murder of humanitarian personnel in Bubanza province

Bujumbura, 26 June 2001 - The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Burundi strongly condemns the execution of a humanitarian aid worker and the attempt to kidnap three other colleagues after attacking their vehicle on Thursday, 21 June 2001.
The four humanitarian staff are employees of the international NGO Children's Aid Direct (CAD), one of the three international NGOs that has been working in Bubanza for the past three years.

They were returning to Bubanza when a man in uniform indicated to them to slow down. When the vehicle stopped, the man opened with repeated fire, and killed the driver. Subsequently, seven other heavily armed men emerged from the bush and took the remaining three passengers as hostages. After about 1 1/2 hours, the three hostages were released and are now in safety.

In response to this incident, Children's Aid Direct (CAD), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and Action Contre la Faim (ACF) have suspended all activities in Bubanza until further notice.

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Burundi is calling on all warring parties in Burundi to adhere to international humanitarian and human rights law, to cease and desist from the targeting of civilian populations and humanitarian relief workers and to ensure their safety and security.

Taking hostages is a violation of Article 3 and Additional Protocol II, Article 4 (c) of the Geneva conventions.

Humanitarian workers, often at great risk to themselves, are delivering much needed assistance to the most vulnerable populations throughout Burundi.