U.N. launches $550 Million Appeal to meet emergency needs in Great Lakes Region and Central Africa

Press Release


NEW YORK, 27 February (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) -- The United Nations today launched a Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Countries of the Great Lakes Region and Central Africa, seeking $550 million to meet the emergency needs of over five million people in 1998 in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, United Republic of Tanzania and Uganda. The humanitarian programme for the Republic of the Congo is currently under preparation, and will be issued as an addendum to this Appeal early next month.

The humanitarian situation in the region still remains grave. Cross- border and internal tensions are on the increase, leaving hundreds of thousands vulnerable to attack. Over 2 million people are displaced throughout the region. In addition, the food deficit has increased, social services have been disrupted and the economies have become severely debilitated. These afflictions have been further compounded by the effects of recent drought and flooding.

The Appeal reflects the complex mosaic of requirements in the region. It aims at providing the basic life-saving assistance still needed while also assisting countries in rebuilding their national infrastructures.

In each country, the nature of emergency needs and affected populations is unique. In Burundi, the affected population includes displaced or regrouped persons, returnees and refugees. Assistance is also sought for those within the general population who have been acutely affected by the civil strife and sanctions. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, humanitarian assistance will be directly primarily towards displaced persons, returnees and refugees, particularly in the conflict-affected eastern regions, as well as for the rehabilitation of communities.

Assistance to Rwanda is intended to support recovery from war and genocide and the reintegration of repatriated families. In the United Republic of Tanzania, the Appeal will support the needs of refugees and their host communities and provide assistance in response to drought, flood and epidemics. In Uganda, the target populations are principally those in the conflict-affected northern and western regions and those affected by drought, flood and epidemics.

The Appeal has been formulated in line with Secretary-General Kofi Annan's programme for reform, in that it seeks to address both basic relief needs and reconstruction requirements of war-damaged societies in a balanced and integrated fashion. It also incorporates capacity-building activities identified by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. In so doing, the Appeal attempts to build an environment conducive to reconciliation and sustainable development. It is hoped that the international community will respond generously in helping the people of the Great Lakes region and Central Africa to break the cycle of destructive crises and embark on the path of reconstruction and reconciliation.