Côte d'Ivoire: Humanitarian situation could worsen

(New York: 19 November 2003) - The humanitarian needs of the population of Cote d'Ivoire, especially in the west, north and buffer zones, outstrip the ability of humanitarian aid organisations, according to a recent report issued by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Cote d'Ivoire. Moreover, there is a fear that the humanitarian situation could worsen if the serious problems of protection are not addressed.
Although there have been positive developments during the period regarding a growing number of returning displaced people (IDPs), the inter-ethnic and political conflicts in the country continue to impede efforts to address humanitarian needs. October and November have seen numerous incidences of inter-ethnic violence, organised crime and political demonstrations.

Human Rights violations are being reported from Gadougou district in the department of Gagnoa, where hundreds of non-native migrant farmers, some 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants, have been driven from their lands in inter-communal and ethnically motivated violence, with the local authorities largely unable to stop the aggression. The violence has been particularly extreme in the village of Mahinadopa, in the Ouragahio region, where around 500 Burkinabés reportedly fled as their shacks and houses went up in flames. Inter-agency missions have twice been prevented access to the area of concern by the Gagnoa Prefét on basis of procedural errors.

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), about 70,000 refugees are registered in Cote d'Ivoire. Of those, 67,400 are from Liberia.

An evaluation carried out in the central western regions show that most of the displaced wish to return to their villages of origin (mostly villages in the west and some in Bouaké) as soon as security allows. IDPs continue to return to the town of Toulepleu, which was completely emptied and widely looted earlier this year. However, ethnic tensions prevent some groups to return in the northern part of Toulepleu. Slow return is also taking place to the Duékoué area, however so far an estimate of only 15% of the population has returned. More and more IDPs from Bouaké are reported to be returning due to improved stability in the town and "fatigue" among the host communities to support the IDPs continuously.

$ 3.5 million dollars were required for programmes to protect civilians and promote human rights under the UN's Consolidated Humanitarian Appeal for Cote d'Ivoire for 2003. No funds were received. This year's Humanitarian Appeal for Cote d' Ivoire, launched yesterday by the Secretary-General, seeks some $9.4 million in funding for Human Rights and Rule of Law programmes. OCHA strongly encourages donors to fund programmes in this sector, as they are crucial to humanitarian efforts in Cote d'Ivoire.