Côte d'Ivoire: "One year after"

Abidjan, 18 September 2003 - One year after the events that brought in Côte d'Ivoire an instabilityunknown by the country since independence, humanitarian agencies of the United Nations commend the concrete progress made so far in the process of national reconciliation. At the same time, it is important to remind the parties concerned about the serious humanitarian consequences of the crisis, which are seriously affecting the people of Côte d'Ivoire and of all neighbouring countries.
Due to the departure of the civil service , the acts of violence and insecurity, formal education of children and the health system have effectively collapsed in the West and the North of the country. Curable diseases have once again started killing the populations and malnutrition, which was unthinkable in Côte d'Ivoire, has made its appearance, affecting the most vulnerable groups, i.e. women and children. In the South, thousands of displaced children are unable to attend school while the health services are overburdened. The crisis has seriously affected agriculture and trade, and poverty has generally increased. Inter-community tensions are rife, thus posing a serious problem regarding the protection of vulnerable population groups, especially women, children and displaced populations.

"Humanitarian agencies are active in each region of the Ivorian territory, and we are striving to limit the effects of the crisis", declared Mr. Gemmo Lodesani, Chairman of the Inter-Agency Humanitarian Coordination Committee : "With the support of donor agencies, we are providing assistance to the Government of National Reconciliation and direct emergency aid to more than one million people in the country. But, we cannot replace the national social services. The administration should be redeployed as early as possible throughout the country in order to reassure the populations and enable us to work better. Peace and resumption of essential services would encourage displaced people, refugees and ECOWAS nationals to return to their homes and ensure that they are received in a climate of confidence.

The humanitarian community remains committed to supporting, in close collaboration with the Government of National Reconciliation, populations in distress in Côte d'Ivoire, . On the occasion of the International Peace Day, the humanitarian community calls all the communities to mediation, tolerance and peaceful co-existence so that the country can resolutely embark on a successful and decisive reconciliation process for the benefit of all the people of Côte d'Ivoire and of the sub-region.

For further information, contact :

Mrs. Besida Tonwe, Head of Office, OCHA Côte d'Ivoire +225-2240-5175
Mr. Pierre Marie N'Goré, Communication and Advocacy Officer +225-2240-5172 (in French)
Mr. Jeff Brez, Information Officer, OCHA Côte d'Ivoire +225-2240-5174

Note to journalists: The humanitarian community will issue each day of the coming week a press release on the humanitarian situation in the country, entitled "One year after. . ."