Humanitarian Envoy of the Secretary-General conducts a new mission to Côte d'Ivoire

(New York: 5 December 2003): Ms. Carolyn McAskie, the Secretary-General's Humanitarian Envoy for the crisis in Côte d'Ivoire, will arrive in Abidjan on 7 December 2003 for a fourth follow-up and evaluation mission.
During her short stay, she will meet with governmental authorities, United Nations agencies, and a broad range of national and international humanitarian actors to review the humanitarian situation and assess needs countrywide.

The mission will also evaluate humanitarian response to ensure that assistance is adequate for all the vulnerable populations in Côte d'Ivoire including displaced people, refugees and hosts families.

Ms. McAskie hopes to mobilize financial support for the 2004 UN Consolidated Appeal for Côte d'Ivoire US$ 59 million during her mission. She will also draw attention of the international community to the risk of the deterioration of the humanitarian situation if the vital and immediate needs of almost one million people in need are not filled.

The prevailing socio-political situation in the country, characterized by tensions and recurring inter and intra communal conflicts in the western zone, as well as abuses and violations of the human rights of the people in the northern zone, will be on the agenda during meetings with high ranking officials. Ms. McAskie intends to appeal for effective protection of the population and for the respect of human rights throughout the territory.

For further information, please contact: Mrs Frøydis Dybdahl Archer, Public Information Officer, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Cote d'Ivoire. Tel : +225 22405175/76; Cell : + 225 05933945; Email :