Launch of "CAP Côte d'Ivoire 2004"

On 19th November 2003 in Guiglo, the United Nations launched the Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal: "CAP Côte d'Ivoire 2004" for US$ 60 million to respond to the needs of over one million people affected by the war in Côte d'Ivoire and those who have fled to Mali, Burkina Faso and Ghana.
Despite that significant progress has been made towards the achievement of peace and reconciliation in Côte d'Ivoire, there are serious humanitarian needs to be filled. Due to the departure of the civil service administration and insecurity, formal education and health systems have effectively collapsed in the West and the North of the country. Curable diseases have once again started killing the populations and malnutrition has appeared, affecting the most vulnerable groups, i.e. women and children. In the South, thousands of displaced children are unable to attend school while health services are overburdened. The crisis has seriously affected agriculture and trade, and poverty has generally increased. Religious and ethnic-based inter and intra-community tensions are rife, thus posing a serious problem regarding the protection of vulnerable population groups, including in particular displaced populations and refugees.

The strategic goal of the CAP is to support the capacity of national and local authorities to address life saving needs of vulnerable populations. These on-going efforts will be coupled with activities for the stabilization and the recovery of livelihoods. In addition to promoting effective protection of civilians in the aftermath of the conflict, focus will also be given to developing a culture of peace and addressing the wider human rights issues that lay at the root of the conflict.

The Resident Coordinator for Côte d'Ivoire supported by OCHA, will assume responsibility for the coordination of humanitarian efforts, with humanitarian activities being implemented by FAO, IOM, MINUCI, UNDP, UNESCO, UNSECOORD, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP and WHO in conjunction with NGO partners.

Since the crisis erupted in Côte d'Ivoire on 19th September 2002, the humanitarian community has launched two inter-agency appeals for funding. Funding levels for both of these were disappointing, (43% of its requirements) resulting in insufficient assistance to some vulnerable populations.

With the launch of the CAP for Côte d'Ivoire 2004, it is anticipated that donors will contribute generously to emergency and recovery activities, ensuring the continued provision of life sustaining activities for the affected population.