More funds needed for humanitarian action in Côte d'Ivoire


(Geneva / Abidjan / New York, 19 October, 2011) A delegation comprising the Ivorian Minister of Employment, Solidarity and Social Affairs, Mr. Gilbert Kafana Koné and the Humanitarian Coordinator for Côte d'Ivoire, Mr. Ndolamb Ngokwey, recently embarked on a week-long visit to London, Geneva, Paris and Brussels to raise funds.

‘It is very important to assist the Ivorian IDPs and refugees to return home in dignity and in an atmosphere of security. Support from the humanitarian community is essential in meeting the needs of these populations and those in other communities affected by the post-election crisis,” said Mr. Ngokwey. Currently, more than 194,000 people are internally displaced in Côte d'Ivoire, with more than 25,000 living in camps. At the same time, more than 187,000 Ivorians are still refugees in neighbouring countries, including nearly 160,000 in Liberia.

Minister Koné expressed his gratitude to the humanitarian community and donors for their support since the beginning of the post-electoral crisis. Mr. Koné hopes that donors will mobilize support for the people of Côte d'Ivoire who need it to return to their villages and start to rebuild their lives there.

The Emergency Humanitarian Action Plan for Côte d'Ivoire and neighbouring countries affected by the crisis is funded at only 31 per cent, or US $91 million out of an initial request of $292 million.

The visit, which began in London 16 October, 2011, will last through 22 October. The delegation will visit Geneva on 19 October before proceeding to Paris on 20 October and Brussels on 21 October.