Regional Office for West and Central Africa Bulletin on CERF Central Emergency Response Fund, July - September 2011


This report reviews funding allocated to West and Central Africa countries by the United Nations Central Emergency Fund. It covers the period from July - September 2011.

Over US$ 55 million from CERF for humanitarian emergencies in West and Central Africa

CERF has allocated $18,4 million during the third quarter

During the 2011 third quarter, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has allocated a total of nearly $18.6 million to Côte d’Ivoire, Chad, Niger and Ghana. Respectively $6.2 million and $2 million have been awarded to Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana to provide assistance to people affected by post electoral crisis in Côte d’Ivoire : refugees, IDPs and members of the host communities. The CERF has also provided over $4.2 million to curb the cholera outbreak in Chad, where 13,600 cases had been reported as of 11 September. The humanitarian community in Niger will receive $6 million from the “Under-Funded Emergencies” window in order to assist people who are facing chronic humanitarian needs.

These new grants bring to over $55 million the total amount of CERF alloca-tions injected since January 2011 in seven West and Central Africa countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Chad, Liberia, Central African Republic, Niger, Ghana and Mau-ritania.