UN Deputy Humanitarian Chief pleads for sustained funding of Humanitarian Action in Côte d’Ivoire.


(Abidjan / Geneva, 18 January 2012) - The United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Catherine Bragg, today concluded her three-day visit to Côte d’Ivoire, while reiterating her appeal to donors to ensure continuity of funding throughout 2012.

“Assistance to the most vulnerable persons remains an absolute priority, especially in the country’s Western and South-Western regions. Considerable needs remain in several areas such as protection of civilians, restoration of means of livelihood, shelter, access to basic services and voluntary return and reintegration of displaced persons and refugees” said Ms. Bragg.

To support and kick-start this vital humanitarian response for 2012, the Central Emergency Relief Fund has just allocated USD 8 million for life-saving projects in Côte d’Ivoire.

“A premature exit of humanitarian actors could aggravate the situation. It is therefore important that financial resources should be made available to ensure continuity of humanitarian action” Ms. Bragg added.

Ms. Bragg reaffirmed the humanitarian community’s determination to pursue its commitment to the Ivorian population during discussions with President Allassane Ouattara, the Prime Minister, Mr. Guillaume Soro, in presence of the State Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Hamed Bakayoko, and the Minister of Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Mr. Gnénéma Coulibaly. She also met with the State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Daniel Kablan Duncan. During the meetings, the State Authorities offered their vision for the future as well as measures taken to respond to many challenges facing Côte d’Ivoire after more than one decade of crisis.

Ms. Bragg stressed the importance of the 2012-2015 National Development Plan which will soon be adopted by the Government being supportive to humanitarian action. In the same vein, she also highlighted the need to confront those fundamental problems whose origin is structural in nature and consequences of successive crises which have affected Côte d’Ivoire during the last ten years. Emphasis should equally be placed on security reforms, Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration as well as Judicial Reform.