West Africa: Humanitarian overview

According to the latest information gathered from OCHA offices in the sub-region, some 2,228,846 civilians from Liberia, Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Mali and Burkina Faso are affected by the recent conflicts. Of these two million people or so, some 18% are refugees, 47% are IDPs and 35% returnees.
It should also be noted that while over 39% live in camps, hence being totally dependent on humanitarian assistance, close to 61% of these affected people live outside the camps, meaning that their livelihood depends mainly upon the coping capacity of host communities.

As an illustration, in Guinea, an estimated 78,845 refugees (43% of the total refugee population) live outside the camps, while all IDPs in CDI (550,000) survive among host communities and over 70% (350,000) of Liberian IDPs live in camps.

This brief overview underlines the complexity and diversity of humanitarian situations across the sub-region; advocates for continuing life-sustaining assistance; and, also sheds some new light on the critical issues of funding support to host communities that bear most of the cost of providing safe heaven to hundred of thousand of people.

In West Africa, strengthening coping capacity of host communities has progressively become one of the key tensions avoidance approach hence, conflict prevention measures. This emerging need must be given priority consideration by the donors community to avoid further deterioration of the overall socio-economic environment which could in turn lead to further spread of instability and violent confrontations across the sub-region.

Humanitarian Data for West Africa
In camps Outside camps [
Liberian refugees 81 459 60 912 142 371
Sierra Leonean refugees 15 167 17 935 33 102
Ivorian refugees 6 726 98 6 824
Returnees 100 719 100 719
103 352 179 664 283 016
37% 63% [
Sierra Leone
Liberian refugees 63 162 3 134 66 296
Ivorian refugees
Returnees 152 238 92 480 244 718
215 400 95 614 311 014
69% 31% [
Sierra Leonean refugees 13 756 25 114 11 000
Ivorian refugees 38 325 38 325
Returnees 32 880 10 950 43 830
IDPs 350 000 150 000 500 000
434 961 186 064 593 155
73% 31% [
Cote d'ivoire
Liberian refugees 63 585 63 585
Sierra Leonean refugees 334 334
Returnees 4 000 [
4 000
550 000
550 000
67 919 550 000 617 919
11% 89% [
Liberian refugees 42 200 188 42 388
Sierra Leonean refugees 917 60 977
Ivorian refugees 128 128
Returnees 6 400 6 400
43 245 6 648 49 893
87% 13% [
Returnees 38 424 38 424
Burkina Faso
Returnees 341 825 341 825
864 877
1 398 239
2 235 246
Sources: OCHA and UNHCR 30 September 2003

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Dakar, Senegal