Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim in Cameroon condemns killing of an aid worker in the North West region



Yaoundé, 8 August 2020 – The Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim in Cameroon, Mrs. Siti Batoul Oussein, strongly condemns the killing of a humanitarian aid worker serving with the Community Initiative for Sustainable Development (COMINSUD) in Batibo Subdivision in the North West region of Cameroon.

“I am outraged and saddened by the killing of another aid worker in the North West region of Cameroon. On behalf of the United Nations and the wider humanitarian community in Cameroon, I extend our deepest condolences to his family, community and to COMINSUD”, said Mrs.Oussein.

On 7 August, a staff member of COMINSUD, an implementing partner for several United Nations agencies, was kidnapped from his home and later killed by unidentified armed individuals.

This killing is the latest in a series of attacks, violent extortion and harassment against humanitarians in the South West and North West regions. It comes barely a month after the killing of a community health worker in the South West region.

“Violence against humanitarian workers is not acceptable under any circumstances. It jeopardizes access to much needed assistance for people affected by the crisis in the South West and North West regions”, reiterated Mrs. Oussein.

Mrs. Oussein reiterated the United Nations’ call for all armed actors to refrain from any attacks or obstruction of aid workers and humanitarian agencies on whose assistance so many lives depend.

For more information, please contact :
Carla Martinez, Head of Office OCHA Cameroon,