Statement by the humanitarian coordinator ad interim in Cameroon on the consequences of the attack against the Mada Hospital in the far north region


Yaoundé, 21 July 2022 – The Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim in Cameroon, Mr. Olivier Beer, is deeply concerned about the consequences of the attack of Mada hospital on the population in the Logone et Chari division, Far North region.

On 2 July 2022, a non-State armed group (NSAG) attacked the Mada hospital in the Logone et Chari division. One civilian was killed. The health facility has been temporarily closed.

The Mada hospital, is one of the few health facilities in the area, equipped to treat a range of pathologies and provide healthcare to civilians severely injured, including people injured by improvised explosive devices (IEDs). With the closure of the Mada hospital until further notice, thousands of people, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, host communities and population in neighboring localities of Nigeria and Chad could be deprived of essential healthcare.

Civilians needing urgent surgery have no recourse but to travel to Kousseri or to cross the border to Njamena in Chad, more than 100 kilometers away from Mada. The Logone et Chari division is affected by insecurity, by poor road conditions, especially during rainy season, making it extremely challenging to transfer injured civilians.

The Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim strongly reiterate condemnation of the attack on Mada hospital, as healthcare services are the lifeline for tens of thousands of people in need in the Far North region.

“Children, women and men need access to healthcare facilities and services,” said Mr. Beer. “Violence against medical facilities, health workers and patients is a violation of international humanitarian law and human rights law. All parties to conflict are bound by a strict obligation to respect and protect medical personnel, facilities and vehicles, as well as the wounded and sick,” he added.

For more information, please contact:
Karen Perrin, Head of Office, OCHA Cameroon,
Bibiane Mouangue, Public Information Officer, OCHA Cameroon,
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