Appointment of a new Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic


(Bangui, 03 June 2015): The new Humanitarian Coordinator in CAR, Mr. Aurelien Agbénonci, has officially taken office as the country faces a persistent humanitarian crisis and increasing needs. Mr.
Agbénonci was appointed on 27 May by the Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos. He succeeds Ms. Claire Bourgeois who recently completed her mission in the country.

In his function as Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr. Agbénonci will ensure leadership and oversee the delivery of effective and coordinated emergency assistance being provided by humanitarian organizations, to the 2.7 million Central Africans in need of assistance. He will chair the Humanitarian Country Team which is comprised of the Heads of the main UN agencies and NGOs that implement humanitarian programs to save lives and rebuild livelihoods countrywide.

Mr. Agbénonci also serves as Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), United Nations Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative to which he was appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General in June 2014.

The new Humanitarian Coordinator brings over 20 years of extensive experience with the United Nations to the position, having worked on humanitarian assistance, conflict, development and governance issues. Most recently, Mr. Agbénonci was the Humanitarian Coordinator, United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Mali from 2012 to 2013.

He has served throughout Africa, including as United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Rwanda, from 2008 to 2011, and Congo, from 2003 to 2008. Previously, he was UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Côte d’Ivoire, from 1999 to 2003, and Cameroon, from 1996 to 1999 and UNDP Assistant Resident Representative in Burundi, from 1993 to 1996. Before joining the United Nations, Mr. Agbénonci worked as Senior Programme Coordinator and Chief of Staff in the PanAfrican Social Prospects Centre in Benin from 1989 to 1990 and in the office of the Secretary General of the World Social Prospects Association in Geneva from 1986 to 1989.

For further information please contact:

OCHA CAR: Francois Goemans Head of Office +236 70738730,;

Gemma Cortes, Head of Public Information, +236 70087565,

Laura Fultang, Public Information Officer,

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