Central African Republic: The Humanitarian Coordinator condemns the killing of a humanitarian worker


Bangui, 6 January 2019 – The Humanitarian Coordinator for the Central African Republic, Najat Rochdi, is shocked and saddened by the killing of a humanitarian worker in Batangafo town, Ouham prefecture. On 5 January, the guard of a Non-Governmental Organization was shot-wounded while he was trying to protect the premises of the organisation during a violent break-in. Despite the emergency aid, the guard died of his wounds.

« I am dismayed and shaken by this despicable killing, which demonstrates once again a flagrant disregard for human life and for the essential work of humanitarian workers in the CAR. I condemn all attacks against humanitarian personnel. Civilians and humanitarian workers are not a target! », deplores the Humanitarian Coordinator.

Rochdi also calls upon all parties to respect civilians and to ensure that humanitarian workers can fulfill their mission.

The Central African Republic is one of the most dangerous place for humanitarian workers. 396 incidents directly affecting humanitarian personnel and assets, which is more than one incident per day, have been recorded in 2018, compared to 337 incidents in 2017. This represents a 17.5% increase. In 2018, more than 17 premises or warehouses have been looted, 30 humanitarian vehicles have been stolen and 25 humanitarian organisations have temporarily suspended their activities. 2.9 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection.

For more information, contact OCHA CAR Maria Rosaria Bruno, Head of Office a.i, +236 70 55 06 64, bruno1@un.org, Virginie Bero, Public Information Assistant, +236 70 17 76 25 berov@un.org, Press releases are available on www.unocha.org or www.reliefweb.int