Central African Republic: Humanitarian Coordinator strongly condemns attack against humanitarian workers in Bambari


(Bangui, August 23, 2015): The Humanitarian Coordinator, Aurélien A. Agbénonci and the entire humanitarian community in the Central African Republic (CAR) strongly condemns the attack against humanitarian workers that occurred on August 20 in Bambari. One staff from the Red Cross Movement in the exercise of their mandate was injured. The violence occurred in the context of renewed inter-communal tensions that caused the death of at least five civilians and the evacuation of eight injured to Bambari health structures. "I condemn the violence and call on all belligerents to respect and protect humanitarian workers who provide assistance to thousands of people affected by the crisis in the country," said Mr. Agbénonci. "The humanitarian situation in the country is worrying and the principles of neutrality, independence and impartiality and the rules of international humanitarian law must be respected," he added.

Humanitarian actors pay a heavy price in the exercise of their function. Nineteen of them have been killed since the start of the crisis in CAR. Humanitarian access continues to be hampered by various constraints in the country, particularly by violence against civilians and humanitarian workers. "Attacks against aid workers reduce their ability to carry out these essential activities, leaving the most vulnerable in CAR at a risky situation," said Mr Agbénonci.

The Humanitarian Coordinator therefore called on all parties to ensure that those providing humanitarian assistance can safely access people in need and conduct their activities without hindrance.

For further information please contact:
OCHA CAR: Gemma Cortes, Head Public Information Office, +236 70087565, cortesg@un.org Ingrid Bokosset, Public Information Assistant, +236 70007579, bokosset@un.org OCHA press releases are available at http://ochaonline.un.org or www.reliefweb.int