Central African Republic: Humanitarian Coordinator strongly condemns the attack on an MSF team in Bangassou


(Bangui, 15 October 2015): The Humanitarian Coordinator, Aurélien A. Agbénonci and the entire humanitarian community in the Central African Republic (CAR) strongly condemn the attack on a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) team, during the night of 14 to 15 October in Bangassou, Mbomou province. The assailants entered the MSF compound at 10 p.m. and attacked staff members, four of whom were kidnapped and released 30 minutes later. An international staff was seriously injured during the attack but his condition is now stable after emergency surgery.

“I strongly condemn this attack and call on all armed groups to respect the life and freedom of movement of humanitarian workers who are providing assistance to people affected by the crisis in the Central African Republic”, said Mr. Agbénonci. “I am really saddened by attacks against people who put their own lives at risk to save others. This is unacceptable and it must stop” concluded Mr. Agbénonci.

The Humanitarian Coordinator seized the opportunity during a meeting with the leadership of the National Transitional Council (parliament) this afternoon; to strongly denounce this attack and recommend that parliament also condemns this behavior and advocate for an end to violence against humanitarian actors.

The humanitarian community urges the Central African people to facilitate access and assistance provided by humanitarian actors who are working in compliance with humanitarian principles including humanity, neutrality, independence, and impartiality.

For further information please contact:
OCHA CAR: Francois Goemans Head of Office +236 70738730, goemans@un.org;
Laura Fultang, Public Information /Reports Officer, fultang@un.org
OCHA press releases are available at http://ochaonline.un.org or www.reliefweb.int.