Central African Republic: Humanitarian Coordinator strongly condemns attack against a convoy carrying humanitarian aid to Baboua


(Bangui, July 22, 2015): The Humanitarian Coordinator a.i., Marc Vandenberghe and the entire humanitarian community in the Central African Republic (CAR) strongly condemns the attack against a World Food Programme (WFP) food convoy for populations affected by crisis on 18 July, 20 km from Baboua, in the north western part region.

A truck convoy of 20 vehicles escorted by the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) peacekeepers, received gun shots that fatally wounded the driver and his vehicle immediately reversed causing injuries to other passengers. The humanitarian community expresses its most extensive condolences to the family of the victim and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.

"I condemn the violence and call on all belligerents to respect and protect humanitarian workers who provide assistance to thousands of people affected by conflict in the country," said Mr Vandenberghe. "The humanitarian situation in the West of the country is worrying and the principles of neutrality, independence and impartiality and the rules of international humanitarian law must be respected."

Humanitarian access continues to be hampered by various constraints in the country, particularly violence against civilians and humanitarian workers. The upsurge in armed attacks on the Main Supply Route 1 from the west of the country threatens the continuity of humanitarian activities in the country.

The humanitarian community launches an urgent appeal to all those involved in the clashes to refrain from attacking humanitarian workers and allow them to do their jobs and save lives safely in the country.