Central African Republic: UN humanitarian coordinator calls for immediate release of abducted humanitarian worker

(Bangui, 20 January, 2015) The day after the abduction of a French humanitarian aid worker in Bangui, the United Nations interim Humanitarian Coordinator a.i., Mohamed Malick Fall, calls upon the perpetrators for her immediate and safe release.

Mr. Fall and the whole humanitarian community in the Central African Republic (CAR) are deeply concerned by yesterday’s kidnapping and strongly condemn such acts against the humanitarian community at time when the needs among the Central African people are so great. This abduction threatens the whole humanitarian effort for displaced people and populations in need.

Parties to the conflict must refrain from violence against all civilians, including humanitarian aid workers and respect the principles of neutrality, independence and impartiality and the rules of International Humanitarian Law. Eighteen humanitarian workers have been killed in CAR since January 2014 and more than 130 security incidents directed at humanitarian workers have been documented.

The Humanitarian Community appeals to all Central Africans and international forces to work towards her immediate release as well as facilitate the delivery of urgent humanitarian assistance to people in need country-wide.

For more information, and updates in other languages, please contact:

Gemma Cortes, Head of Public Information and Advocacy, OCHA Bangui
Cell: + 236 700 87565
Email: cortesg@un.org