Central African Republic: US$ 401 million required to address critical humanitarian needs in 2020


Bangui, 21 January 2020 – The Central African Republic is still experiencing a dire and complex humanitarian crisis. 2.6 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection, which is more than half of the population. Among them, 1.7 million people require immediate assistance to survive.

To meet the needs of the most vulnerable, The Central African Government and the Humanitarian Country Team officially launched today the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). The humanitarian community is targeting 1.6 million extremely vulnerable people and calls for mobilization of US$ 401 million to implement lifesaving interventions. Based on a common analysis of humanitarian needs, the Humanitarian Response Plan aims at addressing critical issues related to physical and mental well-being, living conditions and protection of the most vulnerable.

In the Central African Republic, civilians continue to bear the brunt of the crisis. Security and access constraints continue to hinder access to vulnerable people. In 2019, 306 security incidents affected humanitarian workers in 2019, including 5 humanitarian workers killed and 42 injured.

The Humanitarian Coordinator in Central African Republic, Ms. Denise Brown, stressed the importance for humanitarian actors to be able to sustain their efforts and alleviate the suffering of those in need of humanitarian assistance. “If humanitarian assistance is not provided at scale, the severe humanitarian situation will further deteriorate in 2020”, said Ms. Brown concluded.

Thanks to the donors’ generosity, the humanitarian community raised US$ 300.3 million in 2019 and assisted more than 1,1 million vulnerable people within the Humanitarian Response Plan framework.

For more information, contact

Maxime Nama, Public Information Officer, namacirhibuka@un.org; +236 70 12 24 43 Francois Batalingaya, Head of Office, francois.batalingaya@un.org, + 236 70 60 10 66
Press releases are available on www.unocha.org or www.reliefweb.int