Humanitarian community mobilized for a response to the crisis in Paoua


Bangui, January 18, 2018 - Again, civilians in Central African Republic are paying a heavy price in clashes between armed groups. since the end of December 2017, fighting between armed movements Revolution Justice (RJ) and the Mouvement de la libération de la Centrafrique (MNLC) in the North and East of Paoua town (Prefecture of Ouham Pendé in the North of the country), has displaced more than 60,000 people. An unknown number of people have sought refuge in the bush while another 15,000 from the town of Markounda and its environment have crossed the border to Chad. Paoua which previously had 40,000 inhabitants has seen its population triple in a few weeks. At 50 kilometers north of Paoua, villages are almost empty. Fighting continues and more waves of displacement are expected.

The humanitarian community has quickly mobilized to respond to the crisis caused by this unprecedented displacement in Paoua. In order to meet the needs in the initial weeks of the crisis, food assistance was made available to displaced families. Similarly, to alleviate the pressure on host families caused by such an influx, they will also benefit from food assistance in the coming days. Health care is being offered at no cost for the displaced and their host families. In order to contain the spread of certain diseases due to overcrowding which prevails within host families, humanitarian actors have started distributing hygiene kits to households in the affected area. From Bangui, the Central African Government has contributed soap and clothing to the displaced. On January 17, humanitarian actors began the construction of community hangars where the displaced who are homeless will be able to stay temporarily.

The humanitarian coordinator in the Central African Republic, Najat Rochdi, commends the mobilization and rapid response that humanitarian actors and the Government gave to this crisis, and encourages them to maintain this effort. At the beginning of the year 2018, Paoua is one of the humanitarian hotspots in Central African Republic.

Najat Rochdi urges for “cessation of hostilities so that the displaced can return home, recover a normal life and put an end to the trauma endured by children”.