The Humanitarian Coordinator for the Central African Republic allocates $ 20 million to support Humanitarian Response


Bria, 17 May 2019 – The Humanitarian Coordinator for Central African Republic (CAR), Denise Brown has allocated US$20 million from the CAR Humanitarian Fund (CAR HF) for 61 projects to respond to urgent humanitarian needs as prioritized in the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP).

This funding allocation aims to: respond to the immediate and critical needs of people affected by the crisis particularly internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees and to support the transportation and prepositioning of humanitarian supplies ahead of the rainy season. Projects will be implemented in the most affected prefectures where the needs are the most severe such as: Basse Kotto, Haute Kotto, Haut Mbomou, Mambéré-Kadéï, Mbomou, Nana Gribizi, Nana-Mambéré, Ouaka, Ouham, Ouham Pende and Vakaga. This allocation will also enable the delivery of aid through the provision of common services (road and air transportation) countrywide.

“I thank all donors for their generous contributions which have made this allocation possible. I however recall that 2.9 million people, more than half of the population of CAR are in need of humanitarian assistance and protection. As needs remain dire, I urge donors to keep CAR at the top of their priorities. The people need our help and we must not fail them”, said Denise Brown.

“I came to Bria to see first-hand the humanitarian situation. I have seen the ongoing response and I am proud to witness the commitment, dedication and the relentless efforts by humanitarian workers in such a difficult operating environment”, she added.

The CAR 2019 HRP requesting $ 430.7 million aiming to cover the needs of 1.7 million Central Africans is only 28 per cent funded ($121.7 million). More than one million people – or one in four people from CAR – is either a refugee outside the country or internally displaced. As of 31 March 2019, more than 621,000 people remain displaced.

Since January 2019, the CAR HF has received over $ 8 million as fresh contributions from Denmark, Irish Aid, Jersey Overseas Aid and Sweden.

For more information, please contact OCHA CAR

Francois Batalingaya, Head of Office, + 236 70 60 10 66,

Laura Fultang, Public Information Unit, + 236 70 18 80 64,

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