The Humanitarian Coordinator strongly condemns two attacks on humanitarian organizations in the Central African Republic


Bangui, 20 April 2022 – The Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic, Ms. Denise Brown, is deeply shocked and dismayed by the two attacks on humanitarian organizations by armed individuals on 7 and 9 April 2022. Six aid workers and a health district worker were injured during the attacks, one seriously, while on mission in the south of the Central African Republic.

The attack forced one of the concerned organizations to suspend its mobile clinics and its activities to improve access to clean water for 11,000 people in remote areas of the Basse-Kotto Prefecture, including many children and pregnant women.

“Every time humanitarians come under attack, the lives of thousands of vulnerable people are at risk. Aid workers who assist people under extremely difficult conditions must not be attacked”, said Ms. Brown.

The Central African Republic is one of the most challenging countries in the world for humanitarian workers. Between 1 January and 15 April 2022, 43 incidents affecting humanitarian organizations were recorded in which 11 aid workers were injured. In 2021, at least one incident per day affecting humanitarian workers was recorded, half of which were burglaries, robberies and intrusions. These security incidents hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance, on which more than half of the Central African population depends.

“Civilians are the primary victims of the conflict in the Central African Republic and humanitarian assistance is a matter of life and death for millions of people. Humanitarians who come to their rescue in a neutral and impartial manner must be granted free and safe access,” said the Humanitarian Coordinator.

In 2022, 3.1 million people need humanitarian assistance and protection in the Central African Republic, representing 63 per cent of the population. Of these, 2.2 million people with severe needs may not survive without the required assistance and protection. Despite a difficult and dangerous operating environment, humanitarian actors assisted 1.8 million people in emergency situations in 2021.

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Emmanuelle Schneider, Head of Office a.i., + 236 70 96 81 44 Anita Cadonau, Reporting Officer,, +236 70 12 35 86 Press releases are available on and