Joint press release of the Minister of Social Affairs and National Reconciliation and the Humanitarian Coordinator on the upsurge of violence in Kaga Bandoro

Bangui, le 13 October 2016 - The Minister of Social Affairs and National Reconciliation, Virginie Baïkoua, and the Humanitarian Coordinator for the Central African Republic, Fabrizio Hochschild, expressed extreme concern at the wave of violence that once more hit Kaga Bandoro on 12 October.

Virginie Baïkoua and Fabrizio Hochschild strongly condemn the attacks against displaced persons and acts of retaliation against civilians and express their sincere condolences to the families of victims. “These barbaric and wicked acts worryingly undermine the hard-earned gains achieved with regards to social cohesion and reconciliation” they said upon their return from Yaoundé where they participated in the 6th meeting of technical and financial partners of the Central African Republic.

Virginie Baïkoua and Fabrizio Hochschild said they are “particularly shocked and saddened by the cases of criminal and intentional burning of the homes of displaced persons who are a particularly vulnerable group”. Together, they call upon the judicial authorities to prosecute and bring to justice the perpetrators of these despicable crimes which constitute a deliberate violation of human rights.

The Minister of Social Affairs and National Reconciliation and the Humanitarian Coordinator also expressed their deep concern about the further deterioration of the humanitarian situation caused by these regrettable events. “We recall that violence in September 2016, last month, left at least 200,000 vulnerable people without humanitarian assistance. The violence of 12 October will likely increase this figure and aggravate the situation” they said. Finally, Virginie Baïkoua and Fabrizio Hochschild called for restored security to ensure the resumption of humanitarian assistance. It is worth noting that insecurity forced humanitarian organizations to temporarily suspend their activities in Kaga Bandoro since September. “Renewed violence could delay the resumption of their support to the most vulnerable people” they stated.