Statement by the Acting Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic (CAR), Mr. Buti Kale - 31 October, 2019


(Bangui, 31 October 2019): The Acting Coordinator in the Central African Republic, Mr. Buti Kale deplores the impact of the recent heavy rains on the Central African population in Bangui and other regions of the country. He calls for the mobilization of humanitarian actors, alongside the Government, to relieve the victims. "I deplore the damages caused by the torrential rains of 21 October and over the days that followed, affecting at least 25,000 people in and around Bangui, as well as in the Ouaka, Basse Kotto, Mbomou and Houam Prefectures. Globally, more than 10,000 houses were destroyed, over 1,000 wells were flooded and as many toilets destroyed.

This is happening in a country where 2.6 Million people, more than half of the population, need humanitarian assistance to survive, thereby exacerbating existing vulnerabilities. As of 30 October, only 64.8% of the US $ 430 Million required for the humanitarian response in 2019 were mobilized, while the humanitarian community is also facing new challenges.

In partnership with the Central African Government, humanitarian actors conducted on 25 October preliminary needs assessment mission to determine the scale of the damages. This preliminary evaluation led to a response plan that is addressing the most urgent needs of the affected populations in Bangui and its surroundings, including in shelter, food and health; water, hygiene and sanitation, based on the available resources.

As we are moving close to the dry season, it keeps raining both in areas already affected and in those that were identified for possible relocations. The situation requires more resources.

In accordance with its core principles, the humanitarian community is renewing its commitment to work alongside the Central African Government to alleviate the suffering of the population already affected by a protracted crisis.”

For further information, please contact:
Maxime Nama C, Public Information Officer,, +236 70122443
Virginie Bero, Public Information Assistant,, +23670177625
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