Statement on behalf of the Humanitarian Coordinator Claire Bourgeois on the killing of a UNHCR Staff


(Bangui, 02 May 2014): The Senior Humanitarian Coordinator (SHC) in the Central African Republic, Claire Bourgeois condemns fervidly the killing of one staff member of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). The attack took place on 01 May, close to Bangui.

“I express my heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the victim. I am also deeply saddened by the ongoing loss of civilian lives due to armed conflicts and violence,” said the Senior Humanitarian Coordinator.

“These killings must stop now. I call on all armed groups to respect civilians and I also urge the Transitional Government to ensure the protection of its population”, said Ms. Bourgeois.

“The international community must mobilize effective protection for the people of CAR, enabling the CAR Government to uphold the rule of law and end impunity”, she stated.

Since September 2013, 12 humanitarian actors have been killed in attacks by armed militias and this is the second killing of aid worker in seven days. Fighting in CAR has taken on an increasingly sectarian nature following a 2012 rebel-led coup and has since become more brutal with reports of ongoing human rights violations and reprisal clashes amongst armed groups. This has led to the internal displacement of 584,932 people and left 2.5 million in need of humanitarian assistance.