Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. in the Central African Republic, Mr. Kouassi Lazare Etien [EN/SG]


(Bangui, 23 May 2016): The Humanitarian Coordinator a.i. in the Central African Republic (CAR), Mr. Kouassi Lazare Etien, strongly condemns the killing of a humanitarian worker and urges all parties to ensure that those providing humanitarian assistance can safely access people in need and conduct their activities without hindrance.

“I am deeply saddened and very disappointed to learn about the direct attack on a well-identified MSF convoy of two vehicles on 18 May by armed men in Kouki, 82 km north of Bossangoa (Ouham province). The vehicles were transporting staff and patients who were forced out of the cars and robbed of personal belongings and medication. In the course of the confrontation, one of the drivers was shot and killed.

I extend heartfelt condolences to the family and sympathize with MSF and the entire humanitarian community in CAR.

Humanitarian access in CAR continues to be impeded by persisting insecurity and violent attacks. An increase in the number of violent incidents against humanitarian organizations in May led to the suspension of some activities and even the relocation of staff from the interior to Bangui, as a preventive action in case the security situation deteriorates further.

I strongly condemn these acts of violence and call on all belligerents to respect and protect humanitarian workers, who are working hard to provide assistance to thousands of people affected by the crisis in the country.

Humanitarian actors continue to pay a heavy price while saving the lives of the people affected by the CAR crisis. At least 20 aid workers have been killed since December 2013. In order for emergency assistance to reach the most vulnerable people countrywide, we need immediate unimpeded access. The principles of neutrality, independence and impartiality and the rules of international humanitarian law must be respected

The killing of the MSF staff should be investigated and perpetrators held accountable”.

For further information please contact:

Laura Fultang, Public Information Officer, +236 70188064,
Virginie Bero, Public Information Assistant, +236 70177625,

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