Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic [EN/FR]


(Bangui, 11 September 2013): The Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic (CAR), Kaarina Immonen, condemns the killing of two aid workers in Bossangoa working for ACTED over the weekend.

“I express my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victims, and to all our humanitarian colleagues tirelessly providing assistance and protection to people in need in CAR,” said Ms. Immonen. “It is shocking that aid workers have been targeted and these killings must be condemned in the strongest terms. I urge the authorities and all parties to the conflict to ensure the protection of civilians and the respect for international humanitarian and human rights law, as well as of humanitarian personnel and assets.”

Persistent insecurity in CAR, the absence of the rule of law, grave human rights violations and deplorable attacks against humanitarian personnel and assets are preventing life-saving aid from reaching people in need.

Bossangoa is located 300 km north of the capital Bangui. Armed clashes since early August in north-western CAR have led to a serious deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the area. In August alone, armed clashes in the north-west of the country have caused more than 148 deaths and the displacement of 4,100 people into neighbouring Chad, while more than 17,000 people have been internally displaced.