Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic, Mr. Aurélien A. Agbénonci, 4 December 2015


(Bangui, 4 December 2015): The Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African Republic, Mr. Aurélien A. Agbénonci strongly condemns attack on internally displaced site in Ngakobo, which resulted in the death of 8 civilians. One of the U.N. peacekeepers defending the site was wounded. Armed men attacked the IDP site, 60 km south of Bambari on 3 December.

“I am not only saddened but outraged to learn of this attack on an internally displaced site in Ngakobo, in Ouaka province. This horrific act has cost the lives of eight innocent people and is in clear violation of International Humanitarian Law.

I call on all parties involved in the conflict to desist the targeting of civilians and to ensure their safety and security. Civilians must be protected at all times by all warring parties. It is their shared responsibility to protect civilians and preserve the neutrality and security of safe havens.

The humanitarian community in the Central African Republic, which I represent, remains fully committed to provide vital assistance to all those in need and I wish to extend my deepest condolences to the families and friends of those dead.”

For further information please contact:
OCHA CAR: Gemma Cortes, Head Public Information Office, +236 70087565,

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