Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien - Statement on the Central African Republic


(New York, 2 October 2015): I am extremely alarmed by the recent upsurge in violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) and by attacks on humanitarian premises.

Ongoing violence by armed groups is preventing humanitarian organizations from reaching more than 42,000 women, men and children who have fled for their lives in the past few days in the capital, Bangui. People are living without the most basic necessities because humanitarian NGOs and U.N. agencies cannot reach them.

On Wednesday, the offices of international and national NGOs and an international humanitarian agency were looted. Some humanitarian staff have been forced to relocate for their own safety. As in the past, humanitarian organizations are determined to stay and deliver for the people of CAR.

Outside Bangui, the situation is also deteriorating, with movements of armed groups spreading panic amongst the population. Across the country, more than 412,000 people have fled their homes. Some 2.7 million people, more than half the population, depend on humanitarian aid to survive. This recent outbreak of violence is a huge set-back for CAR and for the international community.

People who have fled for their lives need food, water, emergency shelter and health care services.

I call on all those involved to end the violence and to allow the resumption of humanitarian assistance immediately. Deliberately impeding access to those in need is a violation of international law.

For further information, please contact:
OCHA NY: Clare Doyle +1 212 963 5009 (o) +1 646 288 6331 (m) doylecm@un.org.
OCHA Geneva: Jens Laerke +41 22 917 11 42 41(o) +41 (0)79 472 9750 (m) laerke@un.org