Visit of Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator to Central African Republic

WHO: Ms. Catherine Bragg, Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator and Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs

WHAT: Mission to Central African Republic

WHEN: 26-30 July 2009

WHERE: Bangui, Birao, Kabo, Paoua

Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator and United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Ms. Catherine Bragg will visit Central African Republic (CAR) from 26 to 30 July to assess the humanitarian situation and advocate for the protection of civilians and continuing humanitarian assistance.

Ms. Bragg will meet Prime Minister Faustin-Archange Touadera and other senior Government officials including the Social Affairs and the Territorial Administration Ministers, members of the diplomatic corps, the United Nations Country Team and non-governmental organisations, and civil society representatives.

During the field component of the mission, the Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator will meet vulnerable people affected by displacement to gain an understanding of the difficulties they face, and the level of response by aid organizations.

The mission will visit Birao in northeast CAR on 26 July, Kabo in northern CAR on 28 July, and Paoua in western CAR on 29 July.

A press conference will take place in Bangui at the end of the mission on 30 July. Contact Boris Ngouagouni, OCHA CAR, + 236 70 18 80 61 or for more information.