Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) Report January-March 2010


Nearly USD 20.5 million granted by the CERF to West and Central Africa countries

Five West and Central Africa States -Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Chad- have received over the last three months, nearly USD 20.5 million (10 billion FCFA) from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to meet urgent humanitarian needs. In a region under the threat of food crisis, these funds will enable UN agencies and their part-ners to mainly respond to nutritional, food and health needs of vulnerable populations. Chad and Niger,2 millions / 7.8 millions people facing a food crisis, have received more than 75% of the funds.

Established in 2006, the CERF is a funding mechanism which allows rapid and coordinated response to emergencies. Its secre-tariat is provided by the Office for Humanitarian Coordination (OCHA).

In 2009, the CERF disbursed more than $ 67.4 million (FCFA 32.7 billion FCFA) to 12 West and Central Africa countries.