CERF allocates $8 million for underfunded emergencies in Chad


Due to weak and erratic rainfall during 2011, farmer households in Chad have encountered significant crop shortages. Some 3.6 million people are currently threatened by food insecurity in the Sahel belt and other geographic pockets of the country

Compounding the drought and food insecurity affecting millions of people, following the 2011 crisis in Libya, some 90,000 Chadian migrants have returned from Libya to their places of origin, most of which are located in the Sahel region. This influx has placed a strain on the coping and livelihood capacity of communities already affected by food insecurity. Malnutrition remains a key humanitarian concern in the Sahel belt where the rate of acute malnutrition has remained above acceptable thresholds for many years. The United Nations estimates that the number of children between 6 to 59 months of age suffering from severe acute malnutrition and needing nutritional therapeutic care could reach 127,000 in 2012.

Humanitarian actors in Chad also continue to provide assistance to some 274,640 Sudanese refugees in Eastern Chad and 67,863 Central African refugees in the South of the country. Additionally, there are 125,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in IDP sites and 56,000 former IDPs who have returned to their areas of origin, many of whom are extremely vulnerable. Surveys conducted in 12 Sudanese refugee camps in October-November 2011, revealed alarming levels of global acute malnutrition.

In response, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocated US$7,931,609 to eight UN agencies in Chad through the CERF’s underfunded emergencies window.

The largest total amount of $2.8 million was given to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to support five UNICEF projects which include child nutrition, water and sanitation, emergency education and protection assistance for internally displaced persons and refugees

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) received $1.2 million to fund three projects including emergency nutrition and protection assistance for IDPs and refugees in Chad.

Livelihood support will be provided to vulnerable drought-affected households and returned internally displaced persons in Eastern Chad through a CERF grant of $1.2 million to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) which will help provide 29,000 vulnerable beneficiary households with seeds and tools.

The World Food Programme (WFP) also received a grant of some $1.2 million to provide targeted food assistance for 125,000 refugees and other vulnerable people affected by malnutrition and recurrent food crises. CERF funds will be used for General Food Distribution to food insecure households in Ouaddai, Wadi-Fira and Sila during the lean season (June –September 2012).

CERF funded a project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the amount of $500,000 to reduce the vulnerability of IDP and host populations in areas of return through training and income generation activities.

CERF has also funded emergency medical interventions to reduce deaths and illness among IDPs and host populations in Eastern Chad through a grant of $350,000 to the World Health Organization (WHO). With CERF funds, essential drugs and equipment will be procured, refresher training in disease surveillance will be given to health workers, and accelerated immunization campaigns to improve immunization coverage will be carried out.

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) received a grant of $342,000 to provide universal access to basic HIV and AIDS services in eastern and southern regions of Chad.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) received $283,000 to protect and assist 28,000 vulnerable IDPs in Chad. Funds will support shelter rehabilitation, training of medical personnel in the management of rape cases and psychosocial counselling and development of community-based child protection networks and child-friendly spaces.

Updated on 9 April 2012