Chad: Media trip visits Central African refugees in south

(N'Djamena: 16 August 2008): A media trip was organized by the United Nations last week, from 04 to 07 August, to visit Central African refugees near Chad's southern town of Goré. Three Chadian journalists took part in the trip.

Three refugee camps were visited: Amboko, Dosseye and Gondje. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 33,183 refugees are hosted in the three camps, of whom 12,054 in Amboko (opened in June 2003), 8,447 in Dosseye (opened in December 2006), and 12,682 in Gondje (opened in December 2005). The United Nations and its partners provide assistance and protection to them.

From interviews, it appeared that the degree to which refugees rely on humanitarian aid depends on when they arrived in the camps. Those who arrived first and settled in the Amboko and Gondje camps now appear to be in a phase of integration, and are relatively self-sufficient in terms of food. General food distributions continue in these camps, with reduced rations of 1,200 kcal per person per day. Most of the refugees are actively involved in farming and pastoralist activities, as well as income-generating activities such as tailoring, trading, and crafting.

In Dosseye, newly arrived refugees are much less self-sufficient. In fact, since the establishment of this camp, an average of 300 new refugees continues to be registered every month. The response in Dosseye remains of an emergency nature. Non-food items (NFIs) and basic services, such as in terms of health care, water, and sanitation, are regularly provided by UNHCR and its partners. The World Food Programme (WFP) organizes monthly general food distributions for refugees in Dosseye, with rations of 2,100 kcal per person per day.

The global increase in food prices has a direct impact on WFP operations. For instance, this year, the cost of providing 6,000 metric tonnes (MT) of food for Central African refuges was estimated at $ 1.5 million. Due to the increase in prices, this amount could only purchase half of the planned quantity. As a result, adjustments had to be made to the rations. Since May, beneficiaries receive reduced rations of 1,800 kcal per person per day.

More financial resources are needed, in order to support ongoing emergency assistance, the sustainability of basic social services, and to reinforce or create self-reliance activities for refugees.

Southern Chad accommodates approximately 55,000 Central African refugees in five refugee camps. Approximately ten humanitarian organizations, comprising United Nations agencies and NGOs, work in the Goré area.

For further information, and to request media trips or media visits to or within Chad, please contact:

Maurizio Giuliano, Public Information Officer, United Nations, N'Djamena
Email:, Tel: +235-6053892

Katy Thiam, Associate Reporting Officer, United Nations, Abéché
Email:, Tel: +235-6201542

For information specific to the following sectors, you may also contact:

Activities for Refugees, Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFIs), Protection:
Annette Rehrl, Spokesperson, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Chad
Email:, Tel: +235-6385195

Food Security and Livelihoods:
Djaounsede Pardon Madjiangar, Reports Officer, World Food Programme (WFP), Chad
Email:, Tel: +235-6275424