The Government of Chad and the humanitarian community are seeking $ 544 million to meet the humanitarian needs of 1.9 million people in 2018


(N'djamena, 9 February 2018): The Government of Chad and the humanitarian community today launched the 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan, a strategic planning tool based on a common analysis of humanitarian needs. In Chad, 4.4 million people, or nearly one in three people, need humanitarian assistance in 2018. Among them, the humanitarian community has targeted the 1.9 million most vulnerable people and calls for mobilization of US $ 544 million to implement emergency interventions that respond to the three objectives of the humanitarian response plan: to save and preserve the lives and dignity of the affected populations; reduce their vulnerability through building resilience; and contribute to the protection of vulnerable populations and strengthen accountability to affected populations.

In a context of low development, Chad continues to be affected by three major humanitarian crises. Food insecurity and malnutrition affect four million people during the agricultural lean season (May-September), including nearly 890,000 severely food insecure people who are unable to meet their food needs. The prevalence of acute malnutrition has increased, exceeding emergency thresholds in many regions; 12 out of 23 regions have been declared in a nutritional emergency. Displacements of populations forced to flee violence and insecurity continue in border areas, with more than 634,000 displaced people traveling in the south, east and west of the country. Finally, dysfunctional health facilities and low immunization coverage limit access to health care for more than two million people, increasing the risk of epidemics and health emergencies, and contributing to high maternal and child mortality rates.

The Humanitarian Coordinator in Chad, Mr. Stephen Tull, made an urgent appeal to mobilize the necessary resources: "I am really disappointed that in 2017 Chad's humanitarian response plan was only 43% funded (compared to 53% in 2016), making it one of the ten least funded plans in the world. This situation is inexplicable and has catastrophic human consequences. While I am grateful for the regular and generous support of our donors, I call for far greater mobilization of technical and financial partners in 2018. The lives affected by humanitarian crises must all concern us, including the authorities, the humanitarian community, the private sector, multilateral banks and all donors. "

The Minister of Economy and Development Planning, Dr. Issa Doubragne, emphasized the importance of responding to humanitarian needs in order to strengthen the development of the country: "the implementation of the humanitarian response plan contributes to the country's development efforts, through contributing to the preservation and strengthening of human capital, and livelihood development. I therefore call on all of Chad's partners to continue to work hand-in-hand in order to sustainably reduce vulnerabilities and move towards the Sustainable Development Goals, while ensuring that no one is left behind ".

According to Florent Méhaule, Head of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Chad, "if a humanitarian response at the scale of needs is not provided in 2018it is likely that social indicators will deteriorate and vulnerabilities will worsen, which will increase humanitarian needs in 2019. It is urgent to act now, through an integrated approach that responds to vital needs as well as to the root causes of humanitarian crises. "

In early February 2018, only 1.8% of the 544 million required for the humanitarian response in 2018 were mobilized.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Florent Méhaule, Head of Office,, Tel. +23568851004
Mr. Pofiné Komono Fidel, Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Economy and Development
Planning,, +235 66 27 18 4
Ms. Naomi Frérotte, Public Information Officer,, Tel. +23566901633
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