High-level partnership mission to visit Chad [EN/FR/AR]


WHO: Rashid Khalikov (OCHA), Hesham Youssef (OIC), Aisha Abdoullahi (AU)
WHAT: Mission to the Republic of Chad
WHEN: 17 - 21 November 2014
WHERE: N'Djamena and field visits to Mao and Sahr

A High-Level Partnership Mission organized by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) co-led by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the African Union (AU) is scheduled to visit Chad from 17 to 21 November. Officials representing the Arab League, Azerbaijan, Germany, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Qatar and USA and partners from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and charities from different Gulf States will come together for the first such mission to Chad.

The five-day mission will provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the humanitarian situation in Chad, notably chronic food insecurity and malnutrition, and the humanitarian impact in Chad of the crisis in neighbouring Central African Republic (CAR). The mission participants are scheduled to meet government officials including several Ministers, the Prime Minister and the President as well as humanitarian actors and diplomats to discuss ways of enhancing the humanitarian response in Chad.

Two field trips will allow them to get a first-hand view of the humanitarian situation and to meet authorities, humanitarians and beneficiaries on the ground. The mission is scheduled to visit Sahr (500 km south of N'Djamena) to the temporary camp of Maingama where several thousand people who fled CAR in the first months of the year live. The mission will also travel to Mao in the Kanem region (250 km north of N'Djamena) to visit a nutrition centre in this region severely affected by food insecurity due to recurring droughts.

The mission will close with a press conference on Friday, 21 November, 14h30 at Hotel Kempinski. For details of media opportunities during the trip, and to set up interviews, please contact Philippe Kropf in N'Djamena: Tel: +235 68 85 10 03, kropf@un.org or Jens Laerke in Geneva: +41 79 472 9750, laerke@un.org.


· Une mission de haut-niveau de partenariat humanitaire organisée par le Bureau des Nations Unies pour la Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires (OCHA) en collaboration avec l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI) et l’Union Africaine (UA) visitera le Tchad du 17 au 21 novembre 2014.

· Des Officiels représentant la Ligue Arabe, Azerbaïdjan, l’Allemagne, le Koweït, l’Arabie Saoudite, l’Afrique du Sud, le Qatar et les Etats-Unis ainsi que des partenaires des Organisations Non-Gouvernementales (ONG) et des organisations caritatives des différents Etats du Golfe se mettront ensemble pour une première mission de ce genre au Tchad.

· La mission de cinq jours sera l'occasion de sensibiliser sur la situation humanitaire au Tchad, notamment l'insécurité alimentaire chronique, la malnutrition, et l'impact humanitaire au Tchad de la crise en République centrafricaine (RCA) voisine.

· Pour des opportunités d’interviews, veuillez contacter Philippe Kropf, à N’Djamena, kropf@un.org, +235 68 85 10 03