Impacting lives in the Lac region in Chad


Today, on 23 September, the United Nations Secretary-General, the Presidents of Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Nigeria, and other world leaders and international partners are attending a high-level event on the humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad Basin, in the margins of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly.

On the Chadian side of the Lake, more than 250,000 people are in need of assistance. The humanitarian community, supported by generous donors, is striving to respond to their most pressing needs while also addressing the root causes of the crisis and strengthening community resilience.

Attached are a few examples of how multi-sectoral assistance is saving and changing lives in the Lac region. More support from donors is urgently needed to expand these efforts and improve the lives of children, women and men affected by one of the world’s most neglected and underfunded humanitarian crises.

For more information on the humanitarian situation and priority needs in the Lake Chad Basin, please consult the Lake Chad Basin Revised Requirements and Response Priorities for the period September-December 2016: