UN humanitarian chief completes Sudan mission, heads to Chad

(New York: 26 March 2007) - United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes completed his five-day mission to Sudan today, returning from Darfur to the capital, Khartoum, where he met with Sudanese Vice-President Ali Osman Taha and Senior Assistant to the President Minni Minnawi, as well as with representatives of the donor community.

Mr. Holmes said his discussions with the Sudanese Government officials focused on humanitarian access, the need for security guarantees so aid workers can operate safely, accountability for crimes when they happen, and addressing the significant 'bureaucratic impediments' that affect the aid community, and described them as "very useful" and done in a "positive spirit".

"The Government acknowledges there are problems that need to be fixed and has promised to take the concerns of the humanitarian community seriously," said Mr. Holmes. "I feel there is a genuine commitment to work with the United Nations agencies and NGOs to address the concerns related to humanitarian access and space."

Speaking to the press in Khartoum at the end of his first mission to the Sudan, the Emergency Relief Coordinator noted the extraordinary humanitarian achievements that have been made to date, especially given the massive scale of the problems faced. However, a major concern for him remained how long such a massive humanitarian response could be continued, as large populations had been displaced for several years, while ever more newly displaced persons continue to flow into existing camps. Security also remained a major concern, he added, as aid workers and civilians continued to be the victims of unpredictable and violent attacks.

Noting that he had addressed the multiplying bureaucratic impediments to humanitarian work in Darfur, such as delays in issuing visas, permit requirements, and restriction of movement, Mr. Holmes clarified that a planned visit to Kassab Camp had had to be abandoned due to communication problems, not as a deliberate attempt to exclude him from the camp. "But if this can happen to a senior United Nations official, you can imagine the effect on an ordinary humanitarian worker," he noted. "We need to see a return to the commitments made in the Moratorium and actual implementation on the ground."

In Darfur yesterday, the Emergency Relief Coordinator visited the town of Deribat in the rebel-held Jebel Marra region, where clashes between Government and rebel forces have terrorized the population and displaced thousands of people. Civilians there expressed an urgent need for lifesaving supplies such as drugs and medical supplies, which are not reaching the area. Mr. Holmes then toured the Al Salaam IDP camp in El Fasher. Al Salaam is one of the camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs) that has reached maximum capacity, with a current population of 45,000 and a rapidly reducing water supply. Mr. Holmes there met with IDP representatives, and was particularly impressed with innovative solutions to problems, such as the fuel-efficient stoves that are used in order to minimize the need for women to collect firewood. Previously, leaving the protection of the camps to collect firewood exposed women to ongoing violence, including rape.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 27 March, the Emergency Relief Coordinator will continue his three-country mission, travelling to eastern Chad, where he plans to visit refugee camps and IDP settlements and meet with various Government, United Nations and humanitarian representatives, before continuing to the capital, and then on to the Central African Republic later in the week.

For further information, please call: Dawn Blalock, OCHA-Sudan, +249 912 174 454 (mobile), +88 216 5119 1670 (Thuraya); Cheikh Touré, OCHA-Chad, +235 670 4313 (mobile), +88 216 2120 6871 (Thuraya); Stephanie Bunker, OCHA-New York, +1 917 367 5126, +1 917 892 1679 (mobile); Kristen Knutson, OCHA-New York, +1 917 367 9262; Elisabeth Byrs, OCHA-Geneva, +41 22 917 2653, +41 79 473 4570 (mobile). OCHA press releases are available at http://ochaonline.un.org or www.reliefweb.int.