Chile Earthquake Hazard Identification Tool (HIT)


Hazard Identification Tool (HIT) - Objective & Methodology

The HIT lists "big and obvious" facilities and objects that may pose a risk in the aftermath of the earthquake. The list includes indications of the substances that are expected to be present in these facilities, as well as the hazard types associated with these substances and related estimated impact types. Wherever the (expected) location of a facility could be identified, this information has been filled into the first column of the HIT. If the facility is expected to be present, but no location could be identified, this has been indicated. Whenever the location field has been left blank, it is not expected that these facilities are present in the disaster affected area.

Disclaimer: Please note that the present hazard identification has been carried out based on publicly available information. An attempt has been made to identify locations of facilities and objects as precisely as possible. However, the list is not exhaustive or conclusive; other hazards may be present in the area and some of the identified locations may be obsolete. Furthermore, the estimated impact types should not be used as a basis for decision making on response measures, but further investigations should be made to verify the information provided in the HIT and to asses the actual impact.