Colombia: Chronology of the diplomatic crisis 1 - 10 Mar 2008



- The summary herewith presented was drafted based entirely on public statements, media and press sources

- This document DOES NOT reflect an official position of neither this Office nor the UN System in Colombia

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On March 1 Colombia launched a cross-border raid against a FARC campsite 2K into Ecuadorian soil. 'Ra=FAl Reyes' syndicated as 'number two' of the rebel organisation was killed. Ecuador, Venezuela and Nicaragua broke ties with Colombia, unleashing an unprecedented diplomatic crisis which now seems to be on a normalisation path, following last Friday's Rio Summit in Dominican Republic. Here's a summary of highlights and events:

March 1 - 3

Cross-border raid

On March 1, past midnight, Colombian Super Tucano aircraft launched smart bombs on a mobile FARC campsite located 1.8Km into Ecuadorian soil, near the border. FARC's senior commander 'Ra=FAl Reyes' and 16 more rebel fighters were killed in the operation. Colombian forces recovered their corpses in a cross-border raid supported by Black Hawk helicopters -at 04:00h LT. Four hours later, President Uribe contacted Ecuador's President Rafaél Correa and informed him that the 'number-two' FARC commander had been killed in combat by Colombian forces. He made it clear that his aircraft had to fire from the Colombian side into Ecuador to repel fire from the ground (one Colombian soldier was killed in action). To safeguard the bombarded guerrilla camp, Colombian assault forces crossed the border, recovered two dead bodies -'Ra=FAl Reyes' and a mid-ranking rebel-, arms and ammunition, and collected evidence material. Colombia's Defense Minister indicated 14 corpses remained in Ecuadorian ground for handover to that country's Security Forces. Ecuador's president immediate reaction lamented the loss of life, expressed solidarity to Colombians and ordered his army to verify the event onsite.

Diplomatic turmoil

Hours later, the most significant blow against FARC in history became, just as well, the most ominous regional diplomatic incident in years. Ecuador claimed Colombia's intrusion was inadmissible, recalled its ambassador to Colombia in protest of the "aggression", stated the cross-border raid took place 3Km inside its soil and deployed troops to the border. President Correa also rejected an official note of apology sent by Colombia and demanded respect for sovereignty of neighbouring countries. Colombia's Foreign Minister expressed his government regretted that troops had to cross the border and said: "The Colombian government has never wanted to disrespect or violate the sovereignty or integrity of the sister Republic of Ecuador." Venezuela's President reacted even before Mr. Correa. He stated that a "similar incident in Venezuela would be considered causus bellis," strongly condemned the incursion and regretted Reyes, a "good revolutionary" had been killed in a "cowardly and coldly calculated murder". Chávez also closed his embassy in Colombia and ordered his Minister of Defense to deploy ten armored battalions to the border with Colombia; a deployment likely to involve several thousand soldiers and his air forces. President Chávez also said his country does not want war, but "(I) will not allow Colombia and the United States to come and divide us." At 10:50LT, the Colombian Government issued a communiqué reiterating affection and respect to its neighbour countries, indicating "there will be no deployment of troops to the borders" with Ecuador and Venezuela. "Colombia has a no warfare tradition and its sole interest is to recover internal public order". And added: "The Government expresses its concern on ties that may exist between the FARC terrorist group and the governments of Ecuador and Venezuela, violating international norms that prohibit countries to host terrorist organisations".

Ties between FARC and the governments of Ecuador and Venezuela

On Sunday night (March 2), General Naranjo, Director of the Colombian National Police, gave a press conference from the presidential palace disclosing a preliminary report of evidence and documents found in the campsite during the raid indicating ties between Ecuador and FARC. According to the General's report, rebel leader 'Ra=FAl Reyes' had established contact with Ecuador's Minister of Defense and Security, Mr. Gustavo Larrea acting as emissary of the president himself to convey mutual support. In its recent communiqué, the Colombian Government also indicated that "The revelations on agreements between the FARC terrorist group and the governments of Ecuador and Venezuela will be made known to the Organisation of American States and the United Nations". "Computers and confiscated material obtained from the terrorist alias 'Ra=FAl Reyes' will be subjected to a technical international verification".