Colombia: Volcanic activity in the Nevado del Huila descends to orange level

According to the most recent report of the Volcanologic and Seismologic Observatory in Popayán (April 15) and to DPAD's report, after the increasing activity registered between April 13 and 15 the activity of the Nevado del Huila volcano turned to Orange Level (II): Eruption in the next days or weeks due to the decrease in the number of events registered in the last hours.

In spite of the alert's change from red to orange, INGEOMINAS called the attention on the uncertainty that characterizes the prediction of volcanic eruptions, as well as their magnitude. Meanwhile, authorities are waiting for the weather conditions to improve in order to fly over the volcano in order to assess eventual changes in the volcano's surface which could be related with recent volcanic activity.

DPAD strongly recommends local authorities, particularly the regional and local committees for disaster prevention and assistance in the municipalities nearby the volcano (Nátaga, La Plata, Paicol and Tesalia), to keep the Emergency and Contingency Plans activated foreseeing a possible reactivation in the volcanic activity.

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