Emergency Relief Coordinator to visit Colombia

(New York, 20 February 2009): United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes will visit Colombia from 23-25 February to gain first hand information on the humanitarian situation and to view the response of humanitarian agencies working there.

During the mission, his first to Colombia, Mr. Holmes is scheduled to meet President Uribe, as well as the Foreign Affairs Minister, Government and Justice Minister, representatives of numerous civil society groups, the UN country team, national and international non-governmental organizations, and members of the diplomatic community in Bogota.

He will observe the progress made by the government in providing humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons and vulnerable communities, and reiterate the UN's commitment to support the Government of Colombia by increasing the presence of the UN, strengthening coordination with the government and mobilizing resources for the humanitarian response.

He will also encourage donor countries to support funding requirements further to address the humanitarian needs. During the field visit period of the mission from 24-25 February, Mr. Holmes will meet Afro and indigenous communities and displaced people in and around Bebedó, Dipurdú, and Quibdó, in Choco.

Stephanie Bunker, OCHA-New York: +1 917 367 5126; +1 917 892 1679
Nicholas Reader, OCHA-New York:+1 212 963 4961; +1 646 752 3117
Elisabeth Byrs, OCHA-Geneva: +41 22 917 2653, +41 79 473 4570