Media advisory: Emergency Relief Coordinator to travel to Colombia

(New York: 9 June 2003) - Mr. Kenzo Oshima, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, will be traveling to Colombia from 9 to 12 June 2003.
The primary purpose of his mission is to get a first-hand look at the United Nations response to the humanitarian situation in that country. During his mission, Mr. Oshima will undertake field visits to areas heavily affected by internal displacement. Mr. Oshima will also meet with Colombian authorities, members of the United Nations Country Team, and the donor community to discuss the mid-term review of the United Nations Humanitarian Plan of Action for Colombia.

Through the Humanitarian Plan of Action, the UN aims to reduce the impact of the conflict on the civilian population, especially on vulnerable groups like internally displaced persons, indigenous groups, and Afro-Colombians. UN Programs to be carried out under the Humanitarian Plan of Action include interventions in the Health, education, protection, coordination and food security sectors.

The Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict will be a key issue during Mr. Oshima's mission. The UN team in Colombia have been advocating for the respect for the International Humanitarian Law, and for humanitarianaccess to people in need. Colombia's armed conflict has had a tremendous impact on its citizens, as evidenced by the roughly 2 million Colombians who have become internally displaced.

From Colombia, Mr. Oshima will travel to Haiti to raise the profile of the humanitarian situation in that country.