UN deputy humanitarian chief calls for more support to vulnerable communities affected by conflict and disaster


(Bogotá / New York, 04 June 2014)

Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Kyung-wha Kang wrapped up her four-day mission to Colombia today, calling for more support for people affected by armed conflict and natural disasters in the country.

“War renders people vulnerable and is the biggest driver of poverty. This armed conflict, which has lasted more than five decades, continues to affect new people every day. It is vital for the people living with this situation that every opportunity is taken to protect and assist them and to promote peace,” stressed ASG Kang.

Colombia is also vulnerable to natural disasters, and the impact of disasters such as floods and those related to environmental degradation have been harsh on communities already affected by the armed conflict, where there are high poverty rates and limited access to basic services.
Visiting the town of Toribío in the north-eastern Cauca region, Ms. Kang met representatives of the Nasa indigenous communities and local authorities, to learn about their situation.

“The people I met told me they want peace so they can live their lives without fear”, said ASG Kang. “There are gaps in aid, especially in the areas that are difficult to access and where local government capacity is limited. The international humanitarian community is here to provide protection, to strengthen capacity and to assist in filling critical gaps.”

While the peace discussions are an essential step towards eventual reconciliation, since the talks began, in November 2012, it is estimated that every month about 14,000 people have been forcibly displaced and hundreds have been killed or injured by anti-personnel mines and other improvised explosive devices.

“I hope that peace efforts by the Colombian people and their leaders can lead to the end of the conflict and pave the way for a lasting peace and reconciliation, with the participation of all sectors of society”, said Ms. Kang. “It is also vital to recognize that the eventual signing of a peace accord will not mean the end of violence for all Colombians. National and international humanitarian support for those in need will remain a priority.”