UN Deputy Relief Chief Concludes Visit to Colombia (19 May 2023)


(Bogota/New York, 19 May 2023) The Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator, Joyce Msuya, wrapped up a week-long mission to Colombia today.

During her visit, Ms. Msuya met with Government officials, including the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms.
Elizabeth Taylor Jay, as well as with humanitarian partners and donors to discuss continued support to the Government peace programme and humanitarian response efforts.

The Assistant Secretary-General welcomed the new Government's efforts to end the conflict and address social, economic and environmental justice. “This is a bold agenda that we all wish to see advanced,” she said. “For the first time in decades, a new generation has the opportunity to experience a durable peace.”

Despite ongoing peace efforts and investments in basic needs, humanitarian and protection challenges in Colombia have continued to grow, largely due to violence in areas controlled by non-state armed groups and disasters aggravated by climate change. In 2023, an estimated 7.7 million people will need humanitarian assistance.

During her mission, the Assistant Secretary-General travelled to Choco, one of the departments most affected by armed conflict. Ms. Msuya heard first-hand from women survivors of gender-based violence and indigenous and Afro-descendant communities about the impact of violence on civilians. She stressed the importance of recognizing that indigenous and ethnic communities – which make up a quarter of people needing humanitarian assistance in Colombia – are disproportionately affected by conflict in the country. "Moving coordination closer to the affected people and putting their needs at the center of our response will be critical to meet their aspirations," Ms. Msuya stressed.

She also reiterated the UN’s commitment to support the Government-led humanitarian response and help fund programmes to help vulnerable people, including the recent UN Central Emergency Response Fund allocation of US$6.5 million for underfunded emergencies.

“Despite the violence, we are managing to deliver life-saving assistance to those who need it most,” the Assistant Secretary-General said. “To continue doing so, we must be able to reach vulnerable people wherever they are.”

For further information, please contact:

• Eri Kaneko, OCHA New York, +1 917 208 8910, kaneko@un.org

• Carolina Saenz, OCHA Colombia, +57 302 860 7688, carolina.saenz@un.org

OCHA press releases are available at www.unocha.org or www.reliefweb.int