(Bogotá, 9 December 2010): In this first phase of the response to the humanitarian emergency in Colombia, the UN System has mobilized close to 6 million dollars to complement the efforts of the National Government for the next three months. This mobilization is a result of the invitation made by the President in "Colombia Humanitaria" on 23 November. The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), composed by UN Agencies and International NGOs, with the support of the enlarged UN Emergency Technical Team (UNETT) is working on a Response Plan to increase assistance and response to the victims of the rainy season, in coordination with the Risk Reduction Directorate.

"Today we are moved by the tragedy in Bello, Antioquia, which symbolizes the drama of all victims of this rainy season and presents us the most tragic side of the disaster. I want to express the solidarity of the UN System with the victims of this catastrophe caused by heavy rains that are affecting Colombia since April this year" stated Bruno Moro, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator. "We are working hand in hand with the Government of Colombia and national humanitarian actors, the Colombian Red Cross and Pastoral Social, in order to reach the most affected communities which are in conditions of major vulnerability", remarked Mr. Moro.

The humanitarian teams of the UN System and the NGOs are already working in the field assisting the victims in the most affected areas. Seven rapid needs assessment missions are being carried out in: Cesar, Córdoba, Magdalena, Chocó, Sucre, Bolívar, Cauca, Nariño and Cundinamarca. These missions allow the focalization of humanitarian assistance in the most affected areas, which currently are: food security, water and sanitation, health and shelter. The recovery of livelihoods is also an issue which requires urgent attention.

To assist the victims, the Humanitarian Coordinator has activated the Emergency Response Funds (CERF and ERF) which are at the disposal of the Humanitarian Country Team thanks to the generous contribution of donor countries. It is expected that the Response Plan will allow the further mobilization of resources from the international community.

UNCHR, WFP, OCHA, IOM, PAHO, FAO, UNDP, UNDSS, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNIFEM, as well as INGOs and International Cooperation Organizations (Acción Contra el Hambre, Diakonie-Apoyo en Emergencias, Mercy Corps, NRC, OXFAM, PLAN, RET, Save the Children, Solidaridad Internacional, y ECHO) participate in the Humanitarian Country Team.

For more information, please contact: Héctor Latorre,

OCHA-Colombia, 6221100 ext. 105, celular (+57)321-2429467,

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