Republic of Congo OCHA Information Bulletin 23 Oct 2000

Assistance to refugees
A Tripartite meeting (DRC/RoC/HCR) was held in Brazzaville on Tuesday, 17 October, 2000. The discussions mainly focused on the access to refugees from DRC by the Oubangui River, non-accessible until now for security reasons. According to UNHCR officials, the tone of the meeting was not friendly at all times as representatives from RoC Government were defensive about any possible involvement in the DRC conflict. The meeting was, however a breakthrough and will soon be followed by technical meetings (which should provide a framework for UNHCR assistance to the refugees along the Oubangui River banks). Meanwhile, the security situation along the River has led UNHCR to withdraw its international staff from Loukolela and Impfondo field offices for an unknown period of time. Fighting on opposite side of the Oubangui was threatening the security of UNHCR employees. Moreover, MSF-France which had recently set up a field office in Njoundou (Likouala) also decided to stop its assistance in that region because of security problems.

An HCR field office will be set up in Betou (extreme North of RoC, close to border with CAR) around where more than 30,000 refugees are gathered. The UNHCR set up team has gone through Bangui in CAR and reached Betou by road. HCR will further assess the refugee situation and elaborate an assistance plan.

Tension arises as 24th October approaches

OCHA field staff in Dolisie reports tension amongst the population as we approach the 24th October which is, according to the opposition leaders, "virtually" supposed to be the end of the transition period provided in the Fundamental Act of 24 October 1997. People have been seen leaving the town of Dolisie in fear of the fatidic date. Despite rumours of systematic searches of NGO vehicles going in and out of Dolisie, nothing of that sort has been officially reported. Nevertheless, UN field missions have been restricted for the rest of the week as a precaution measure.

Small incidents have been reported by OCHA in Nkayi and Mindouli. In Nkayi, the troubles have been caused by ex-militia members about to be replaced by new troops. This kind of agitation is frequent in such circumstances. In Mindouli, similar incidents recently occurred. The Ministry of Interior has sent a high ranked civil and military delegation to restore order. OCHA has also been informed of exactions committed on the commercial train between Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire. Traders are often being harassed and robbed by armed men, while women are still victims of sexual abuses.

President Omar Bongo is visiting RoC

Gabonese President, Omar Bongo, is in Brazzaville since Friday, 20 October, for discussions with all parties to the peace process for which he is the international mediator. Bongo had already received the visit of opposition groups representatives in Libreville last week, and will now meet with leaders of the National Council of Resistance and President Sassou Nguesso to discuss the national dialogue issue.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - Brazzaville