Republic of Congo, Pool region: Emergency Humanitarian Response Plan for 138,000 persons in distress


US$ 23.7 million emergency assistance needed

Brazzaville, July 17, 2017 – The Republic of Congo is currently confronted with a humanitarian emergency in the Pool region. The Government of the Republic of Congo, the United Nations and 16 other humanitarian partners are calling for a $ 23.7 million financial support in a humanitarian response plan to help 138,000 people in need.

Some districts of the Pool region have faced critical challenges such as violence and insecurity since April 2016. A situation which has had a direct impact on local populations and have, so far, caused the displacement of nearly one person out of three in this region. The food security and nutrition analysis which was conducted in June 2017 revealed that more than half of families are affected by food insecurity and face great difficulties in accessing food and meeting their basic needs.

These difficulties have had disastrous consequences: the rate of global acute malnutrition (GAM) among displaced children under five is 17.3% and even reaches 20.4% in the Bouenza region, thus exceeding the 15% emergency threshold laid down by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Moreover, these figures may point to an even worse situation in certain areas that have been difficult to access since July 2016. Access to health care, education and market products has become increasingly limited. Facilities for displaced people who have fled areas of insecurity are virtually non-existent, leaving them in distress.

The most pressing humanitarian needs are related to food security, nutrition, living conditions,, and access to basic health services. The needs in terms of protection are numerous: these populations are vulnerable to attacks, threats, sexual violence, loss or family separation.

The Humanitarian Response Plan aims to provide emergency assistance, to strengthen the protection and resilience of these vulnerable men, women and children which include vulnerable persons in the affected Pool districts, persons displaced in affected areas and refugees from neighboring regions and their host families. The Humanitarian Response Plan covers the areas of health, nutrition, food security, education, protection, sheltering, water, health and sanitation, early recovery and coordination. This first humanitarian plan will focus on providing a coordinated emergency response, but also on seeking long-term solutions.

In order to save lives, the United Nations immediately need US $ 23.7 million to continue providing emergency humanitarian assistance for the next six months.

Système Des Nations Unies au Congo, Croisement Avenue Cardinal Emile Biayenda et Rue Béhagle, BP 465 Brazzaville, République du Congo, Tel. : +242 06 660 85 76,