Statement of ERC and UN Country Team in Republic of Congo on humanitarian access to the Pool Region

The United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator, in concert with the UN country team in the Republic of Congo, which includes the World Food Programme, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations Children's Fund, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Population Fund, the International Organisation for Migration and the World Health Organisation, today called on the warring parties in that country to enter into negotiations to guarantee safe humanitarian access to the most affected regions of the Republic of Congo, where tens of thousands of displaced people are believed to have found refuge in forests or small villages.
In the past several days there have been some positive movements on access. On 29 May, President Denis Sassou-Nguesso received Ms. Rima Salah, UNICEF's Director for West and Central Africa. Thanking UN agencies for their support, President Sassou-Nguesso pledged that his government would ensure unlimited humanitarian access, for the UN and other international aid agencies, to assist the population in the entire affected area.

On 28 May, a joint assessment mission comprising UN agencies and NGOs visited the town of Kindamba. They found approximately 2,000 people in poor condition without adequate shelter and sanitation. Another 14,000 more have fled from the town, mostly into the surrounding bush. This mission marked the first time humanitarian partners were able to visit the Pool Region since fighting began on 27 March, despite repeated requests for access.

Sustained, secure and unconditional access throughout the Pool Region is needed to meet the needs of the displaced population suffering the combined effects of violence and two months without assistance. It is important to ensure that pledges of full access are turned into reality.

The humanitarian community is ready to deliver food, medical supplies, and non-food items to the displaced population most in need. The Emergency Relief Coordinator and agencies urged the warring parties to ensure the safe passage of humanitarian workers so that they can reach the displaced population of Pool to avoid a full-scale humanitarian disaster.

They also called upon the warring parties to cease all violations of the rights of the civilian population. They reminded the Government of the Republic of Congo of its obligations towards the civilian population as defined in international humanitarian law, and regretted that, in choosing a military strategy, both sides to the conflict have shown a wanton disregard for the humanitarian consequences of their actions.