UN seeks $415.6 million for humanitarian assistance to DPRK

Press Release IHA/647

NEW YORK, 12 February (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) --The United Nations today launched the consolidated inter-agency appeal for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, requesting $415.6 million for urgently required humanitarian assistance to avert famine and carry out other life- saving measures. The document includes the World Food Programme (WFP) appeal of 6 January, which had called for $378.2 million for 657,972 tons of food aid.

While generous and timely contributions from the international community during 1997 averted famine, the humanitarian situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea still remains precarious. Drought and typhoons have exacerbated the earlier damage to the infrastructure of the country, and the food aid requirements of vulnerable groups have risen to an unprecedented level. A crop and food assessment mission undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the WFP in the fall of 1997 estimated that the unmet food requirements for 1998 would be over 1 million tons. Bilateral food shipments are expected to cover slightly over one third of the needs, leaving the balance to be met by the WFP.

The appeal aims to prevent the current situation from developing into famine and to assist in creating the conditions favourable to sustainable development. The food aid to be provided is targeted to meet the needs of 7,470,000 people, including 5,520,000 children, and will be complemented by support in health services to prevent widespread malnutrition among children. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) will undertake curative and preventive health activities; in addition, UNICEF will distribute educational materials to children's centres. The FAO, together with UNICEF and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), will be working together to increase food production and security, and to rehabilitate agricultural areas. Other activities will focus on food-for-work and water and sanitation services. The efforts by organizations of the United Nations system will be complemented by those of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and by non-governmental organizations in-country.

Donors are requested to contribute generously to the appeal in order to alleviate the suffering of the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.